Expected number of local maxima


The other day I was watching this video where an interesting problem was described: https://youtu.be/P1fSFvhPf7Q?t=1784.

The problem statement is:

Given a random \(N>=2\), find the expected number of local maxima for a random permutation of numbers \(1, 2, ..., N\) (given that each permutation is equally likely). For example, given a permutation 1, 4, 2, 3 - there are 2 local maxima (4 and 3).

Problem statement

This is a very hard problem and professor gives a simple solution. When I discussed this with my friend, we thought of another, but similar problem:

What is expected nubmer of local maxima in a list of \(N\) numbers where every number can take values \(1, 2, ..., N\) with equal probability.

I wanted to see whether similar simple logic could be applied.


Below there is an explanation and the solution for the problem. You're advised to try solving this on your own before proceeding.


Let \(M_j\) be an indicator r.v. that equals 1 if \(A[j]\) is a local maxima. Then the answer is \(E[M_1 + M_2 + ... + M_N] = E[M_1] + E[M_2] + ... + E[M_N]\). By simmetry, \(E[M_1] = E[M_N]\), so let \(E[M_1] = Border\), and let \(E[M_2] = E[M_3] = ... = E[M_{N-1}] = Middle\).

The answer is then: \(2Border + (N - 2)Middle \).

Looking at any middle element and its neighbors, there are \(N^3\) possible triples. Out of these, only the following cases make the middle element be the local maxima:

In all other cases the middle element is not a local maxima. There are \(N(N-1)(N-2)\) ways to choose \(3\) distinct numbers out of \(N\). Only \(1/3\) of these are such that b is the maximum. There are \(N(N-1)\) ways to choose \(2\) distinct numbers out of \(N\). Only \(1/2\) of these are such that b is the maximum. So, for any middle element \(E[M_j] = Middle = \frac{N(N-1)(N-2)/3 + N(N-1)/3}{N^3} = \frac{(N-1)(N-2)/3 + (N-1)/2}{N^2}\).

Looking at any border element, there are \(N^2\) possible pairs. Out of these, only \(N(N-1)\) are pairs where numbers are distinct, and only \(1/2\) of these have the first number bigger than the second. So \(E[M_1]=E[M_N]= Border = \frac{N(N-1)/2}{N^2} = \frac{(N-1)/2}{N}\).

The final answer then is \(\frac{N - 1}{N} + (N - 2)\frac{(N-1)(N-2)/3 + (N-1)/2}{N^2}\).

An interesting observation can be made. \(\lim_{N \to \infty}\Bigl(\frac{N - 1}{N} + (N - 2)\frac{(N-1)(N-2)/3 + (N-1)/2}{N^2}\Bigr) = 1 + \frac{N-2}{3}\), which is exactly the same as the expected number of local maxima for a random permutation of numbers \(1, 2, ..., N\) - what a surprise!

Experimental part

Let's verify whether the formula gives the correct result by comparing it with a brute-force solution. The brute-force approach would be to generate each possible arrangement of \(N\) numbers such that each number is from \(0\) to \(N-1\) (which is equivalent in this case to having numbers from \(1\) to \(N\)).

Runtime complexity of the naive approach below is \(O(N^{N+1})\) - since it takes \(O(N)\) to verify each of \(N^N\) arrangements - which means we could hope to verify maybe up to \(N=10\).

Below is a sample program.

def local_maxima(v):
    """Returns the number of local maxima in a given list.

    Elements in the list must not be negative.

    For example, for v=[1, 4, 2, 3] it returns 2."""
    q = [-1] + v + [-1]
    res = 0
    for i, val in enumerate(q):
        if val < 0:
        if val > q[i - 1] and val > q[i + 1]:
            res += 1

    return res

def gen_next(v, n):
    """Mutates v so it contains next arrangement or [].

    For example, n=3 and v=[0,1,2]. Then v will be set to [0,2,0].
    If n=3 and v=[2, 2, ], then v will be set to [].
    pnt = len(v) - 1
    carry = 1
    while pnt >= 0:
        v[pnt] += carry
        carry = v[pnt] // n
        v[pnt] = v[pnt] % n
        pnt -= 1

    if carry > 0:
        v[:] = []
    return v

def exp_local_maxima_formula(n):
    r1 = n * (n - 1) / (n * n)
    r2 = (n - 2) * (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 3.0
    r3 = (n - 2) * (n - 1) / 2.0
    return r1 + (r2 + r3) / (n * n)

def exp_local_maxima_brute(n):
    v = [0] * n
    trials = 0
    local_maximas = 0
    while len(v) > 0:
        local_maximas += local_maxima(v)
        trials += 1
        gen_next(v, n)
    return 1.0 * local_maximas / trials

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assert local_maxima([1, 2, 1]) == 1
    assert local_maxima([1, 1, 1]) == 0
    assert local_maxima([1, 4, 2, 3]) == 2

    assert gen_next([0], 2) == [1]
    assert gen_next([1], 2) == []
    assert gen_next([0, 0], 2) == [0, 1]
    assert gen_next([0, 1], 2) == [1, 0]
    assert gen_next([1, 0], 2) == [1, 1]
    assert gen_next([1, 1], 2) == []

    for n in range(2, 9):
        b = exp_local_maxima_brute(n)
        f = exp_local_maxima_formula(n)
        e = abs(b - f)
        print('n={}\tbrute-force={:.2f}\tformula={:.2f}\terror={:.2f}'.format(n, b, f, e))

Invocation and output:

$ python3 main.py
n=2	brute-force=0.50	formula=0.50	error=0.00
n=3	brute-force=0.85	formula=0.85	error=0.00
n=4	brute-force=1.19	formula=1.19	error=0.00
n=5	brute-force=1.52	formula=1.52	error=0.00
n=6	brute-force=1.85	formula=1.85	error=0.00
n=7	brute-force=2.18	formula=2.18	error=0.00
n=8	brute-force=2.52	formula=2.52	error=0.00

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