Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian classical composer and a violin virtuoso.

He was born on March 4, 1678 - almost exactly 7 years before birth of Bach, and died on July 28, 1741 - exactly 9 years before death of Bach.

Vivaldi was famous and successful but after his music fell out of fashion he had to seek financial support. Planning on such a support from Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor Vivaldi left Venice and moved to Vienna. However soon after that Charles VI died.

Less than 1 year after that Vivaldi died in poverty and his valuables were confiscated to pay off his debts.

Vivaldi's music was forgotten until XXth century.

Example of Vivaldi's work: Violin concerto in A minor:

Below is my arrangement of the 3rd movement for the electric guitar.

You can also see a pdf version: Vivaldi concerto in A min - 3rd movement.

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